Copyright Information

All content on this site is Copyright Jeremy Hayden Photography / Jeremy Hayden or is shown with the approval of the copyright holder.  This includes all photographs, unless otherwise shown. You DO NOT have my permission to use any content anywhere else without my permission.

Privacy and the Like

This site does not collect any personal information about visitors, with the exception of your e-mail address, if you choose to join one of our mailing lists. All mailing lists are maintained by reputable providers, including, but not limited to Mailchimp . Comments and any opt-ins on the site will only collect such information as is necessary to contact you, and is freely given by you.

Sales Links

This site contains links to products created by Jeremy Hayden, and sold via other sites. These include, but are not limited to Fine Art America (and its service ), and

The site contains links to a number of sites where you can purchase products and I will receive commissions. This is a means to support this site.

These include, but are not limited to Amazon EU and Clickbank.

Amazon requires that I post this:

Jeremy Hayden is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to